

  1. S. Hasegawa,X. Tong,C.-S. Jiang,Y. Nakajima,and T. Nagao:Electrical conduction via surface-state band,Surface Science 386 (1997) 322-327.
  2. S. Hasegawa,C.-S. Jiang,X. Tong,and Y. Nakajima:Electrical functional properties of surface superstructures on semiconductors,Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 71/72 (1997) 125-145.
  3. Y. Nakajima,S. Takeda,T. Nagao,S. Hasegawa,and X. Tong:Surface electrical conduction due to carrier doping into a surface-state band on Si(111)-√3×√3-Ag,Physical Review B 56 (1997) 6782.
  4. X. Tong,C.-S. Jiang,and S. Hasegawa:Electronic structure of the Si(111)-√21×√21-(Ag+Au) surface,Physical Review B 57 (1998) 9015-9023.
  5. T. Nagao,C. Voges,K. Tsuchie,G. Klos,H. Pfnuer,M.Henzler,S. Ino,and S. Hasegawa:Phase transitions of Si(111)-√3×√3 R30°-Au:Phase transitions in domain-wall configurations,Physical Review B 57 (1998) 10100-10109.
  6. S. Hasegawa,C.-S. Jiang,Y. Nakajima,and T. Nagao:Surface electrical conduction correlated with surface structures and atom dynamics,Surface Review and Letters 5 (1998) No.3/4,印刷中.
  7. X. Tong,Y. Sugiura,T. Nagao,T. Takami,S. Takeda,S. Ino,and S. Hasegawa:STM observations of Ag adsorption on the Si(111)-√3×√3-Ag surface at low temperatures,Surface Science (1998),印刷中.
  8. T. Nagao,C. Voges,H. Pfnuer,M. Henzler,S. Ino,and S. Hasegawa:Diffraction from small antiphase domains; α-√3×√3,β-√3×√3,6×6 phases of Au adsorbed Si(111),Applied Surface Science (1998),印刷中.
  9. N. Sato,T. Nagao,S. Takeda,and S. Hasegawa:Electron standing waves on silicon surfaces,Physical Review B (1998),審査中.
  10. S. Takeda,X. Tong,S. Hasegawa,and S. Ino:Structure-dependent electrical conductance through indium atomic layers on Si(111) surface,Surface Science (1998),審査中.
  11. K. Horikoshi,X. Tong,T. Nagao,and S. Hasegawa:Structural phase transitions and electrical conductance of Pb adsorbed Si(111) surfaces,Physical Review B (1998),審査中.
  12. T. Nagao,S. Ohuchi,Y. Matsuoka,and S. Hasegawa:Morphology of ultrathin manganese silicide on Si(111),Thin Solid Films (1998),審査中.


  1. S. Hasegawa,X. Tong,C.-S. Jiang,Y. Nakajima,and T. Nagao:Two-dimensional electron systems made of surface-state bands on semiconductors,Proceedings of International Centennial Symposium on the Electron,1998,印刷中.


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  2. 長谷川修司,長尾忠昭,冬暁:低温型超高真空走査トンネル顕微鏡による表面の観察,低温センターだより 23 (1998.12) 1-6.
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