谷川 雄洋

The eldest student now. A public servant in the group, and also an idol of everyone.

現所属  東京エレクトロン株式会社

修士論文  「シリコン表面上の銀原子層の成長様式と電気伝導の研究」(2000年)

博士論文  「マイクロ4端子プローブ法による表面相転移での電子輸送の研究」(2003年)


  1. T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, T. Kanagawa, and S. Hasegawa:
    Surface-state electrical conductivity at a metal-insulator transition on silicon,
    Physical Review Letters 93, 016801 (2004).

  2. T. Tanikawa, K. Yoo, I. Matsuda, S. Hasegawa, and Y. Hasegawa,
    Non-metallic transport property of the Si(111)7x7 surface,
    Physical Review B 68, 113303 (2003, September).

  3. T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, R. Hobara, and S. Hasegawa,
    Variable-temperature micro-four-point probe method for surface electrical conductivity measurements in ultrahigh vacuum,
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 1, 50-56 (2003).

  4. S. Hasegawa, I. Shiraki, F. Tanabe, R. Hobara, T. Kanagawa, T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, C. L. Petersen, T. M. Hansen, P. Boggild, F. Grey:
    Electrical conduction through surface superstructures measured by microscopic four-point probes,
    Surface Review and Letters 10, 963-980 (2003).

  5. Xiao Tong, Satoru Ohuchi, Takehiro Tanikawa, Ayumi Harasawa, Taichi Okuda,Yoshinobu Aoyagi , Toyohiko Kinoshita, and Shuji Hasegawa:
    Core-level photoemission of the Si(111)-√21×√21-Ag surface using synchrotron radiation,
    Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 121-128.

  6. G. LeLay, A. Cricenti, C. Ottaviani, P. Perfetti, T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, S. Hasegawa:
    Evidence of asymmetric dimers down to 40 K at the clean Si(100) surface,
    Phys. Rev. B 66, 153317 (2002).

  7. 長谷川修司、白木一郎、谷川雄洋、C. L. Petersen、F. Grey:
    固体物理 37(5) (2002) 299-308.

  8. 松田巌、Han Woong Yeom、谷川雄洋、登野健介、長谷川修司、太田利明:
    表面科学 23 (8) (2002) 509-518.

  9. 長谷川修司、白木一郎、田邊輔仁、保原麗、金川泰三、谷川雄洋、松田巌、Christian L.. Petersen、Torben M. Hanssen、Peter Boggild、Francois Grey:
    表面科学 23 (12) (2002) 740-752.

  10. S. Hasegawa, I. Shiraki, T. Tanikawa, C. L. Petersen, T. M. Hansen, P. Goggild, and F. Grey:
    Direct measurement of surface-state conductance by microscopic four-point probe method,
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 14 (2002) 8379-8392.

  11. I. Matsuda, H.-W. Yeom, T. Tanikawa, K. Tono, T. Nagao, S. Hasegawa, and T. Ohta:
    Growth and electron quantization of the metastable silver films on Si(001),
    Physical Review B 63 (March, 2001) 125325.

  12. T. Tanikawa, T. Nagao, S. Hasegawa:
    Grwoth mode and electrical conductance of Ag layers on Si(001) surface,
    Surface ScienceSurface Science 493, 389-398 (2001).

  13. X. Tong, S. Ohuchi, N. Sato, T. Tanikawa, T. Nagao, I. Matsuda, Y. Aoyagi, S. Hasegawa:
    Electronic structures of Ag-induced superstructures on Si(111) surface studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy,
    Phys. Rev. B 64 (15 Nov 2001) 205316.


  1. T. Kanagawa, R. Hobara, S. Hasegawa:
    Performance of Independently Driven Four-Tip STM,
    Dr.Rohrer's JSPS Award Workshop, Dr. Rohrer's JSPS Award Workshop, (2002/March/5, Sendai).

  2. T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, and S. Hasegawa:
    Micro-four-point probe measurements of surface-state conductance at a Peierls transition on Si(111)-4x1-In,
    The 2nd Vacuum and Surface Science Conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-2),
    2002/Aug/28 (Hong Kong, China). (Elsevier Student Award)

  3. S. Hasegawa, I. Shiraki, F. Tanabe, T. Tanikawa, R. Hobara, T. Kanagawa, and I. Matsuda:
    Direct measurements of surface conductivity by microscopic four-point probes,
    The 5th Russia-Japan Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces,
    2002/September/17 (Vladivostok, Russia).

  4. T. Tanikawa, H. Okino, I. Matsuda, and S. Hasegawa,
    Micro-four-point probe measurements during a phase transition on Si(111)-4x1-In surface at low temperature,
    Asia-Pacific Surface and Interface Analysis Conference (APSIAC02) (2002/ct/3, Univ. Tokyo).

  5. R. Hobara, T. Kanagawa, T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, and S. Hasegawa,
    Electrical probe contact influence using micro four probe,
    Asia-Pacific Surface and Interface Analysis Conference (APSIAC02) (2002/Oct/3, Univ. Tokyo).

  6. 谷川雄洋、松田巌、長谷川修司:

  7. 谷川雄洋、松田巌、長谷川修司:

  8. T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, T. Nagao, and S. Hasegawa:
    Growth and conductivity of Ag layers on Si(001) surfaces,
    The 251st WE-Heraeus Seminar on 2D Conductivity in Surface States and Monolayers,

    2001/Mar/5(Bad Honnef, Germany)

  9. S. Hasegawa, I. Shiraki, C. L. Petersen, F. Grey, T. M. Hansen, P. Boggild, T. Tanikawa, F. Tanabe, and T. Nagao:
    Microscopic four-point probes for surface conductivity measurements,
    The 251st WE-Heraeus Seminar on 2D Conductivity in Surface States and Monolayers,
    2001/Mar/5(Bad Honnef, Germany).

  10. X. Tong, S. Ohuchi, T. Tanikawa, N. Sato, T. Nagao, I. Matsuda, A. Harasawa, T. Okuda, T. Kinoshita, S. Hasegawa:
    Electronic structures of Ag-induced superstructures on Si(111) surfaces by valence-bands and core-level photoemission spectroscopies,
    The 8th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-8), 2001/Jun/14 (Sapporo).

  11. T. Tanikawa, S. Hasegawa, I. Shiraki, T. M. Hansen, P. Boggild, and F. Grey :
    Surface Sheet Conductance measured by Micro-Four-Probe Method,
    The 57th Yamada Conference on Atomic-scale surface designing for fuctional low-dimensional materials,
    2001年11月14日 (筑波).

  12. 谷川雄洋、白木一郎、長尾忠昭、長谷川修司:
    日本物理学会 第56回年次大会、2001年3月28日(中央大学).

  13. 谷川雄洋、白木一郎、F.Grey、長谷川修司:
    日本表面科学会第21回表面科学講演大会、2001年11月29日 (東京)

  14. T. Tanikawa, I. Matsuda, T. Nagao, and S. Hasegawa:
    Growth mode and electrical conductance of Ag atomic layers on Si(001) surface,
    International Symposium on Surface and Interfaces -Properties of Different Symmetry Crossing--,
    2000/Oct/18(Nagoya, Japan)

  15. 金川泰三、長尾忠昭、谷川雄洋、長谷川修司:
    アルカリ金属原子吸着 Si(111)-√3×√3-Ag 表面の構造と電気伝導
    日本物理学会 第55回年次大会、2000年9月24日(新潟大学).

  16. 谷川雄洋、松田巌、長尾忠昭、長谷川修司:
    Si(001) 表面上の Ag 原子層の unwetting と電気伝導
    26日 (岩手大学).

  17. 長谷川修司、淺沼伸彦、谷川雄洋、長尾忠昭:
    インジウムが吸着した Si(111) 表面での低温相転移