1960 |
Born at Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, JAPAN |
1978 |
Graduate from Utsunomiya High School |
1983 |
Graduate from University of Tokyo, School of Science, Department of Physics |
1985 |
Master of Science, given by University of Tokyo, for a study of |
'Development of RHEED-TRAXS* and its application to analyses of surface
structures and dynamics', under the supervision of Professor Shozo Ino.(*RHEED-TRAXS:
Reflection-Highg-Energy Electron Diffraction with Total-Reflection-Angle
X-Ray Spectroscopy) |
1985-1990 |
Researcher at Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd, studying Electron
Holography under the supervision of Dr. Akira Tonomura. |
1991 |
Doctor of Science, given by University of Tokyo in , for a study of |
'Sensitivity-enhanced electron holography and its application to observations
of microscopic magnetic fields'. PDF  |
1990-1994 |
Research Associate at University of Tokyo, School of Science, Department
of Physics, under the supervision of Professor Shozo Ino. |
1992-1994 |
Also a Researcher at PRESTO Project of JST*
(*JST: Japan Science and Technology Corporation) |
1994-2010 |
Associate Professor at University of Tokyo, School of Science, Department
of Physics |
2010-present |
Professor at University of Tokyo, School of Science, Department of Physics |
Main research topics; surface transport phenomena, surface phase transitions,
surface microscopy and spectroscopy, nanoscience and technology |